Our clients were a couple nearing retirement but wanting their large rather dull suburban garden transformed. Both being keen gardeners the wish was for: screening to the rear of the garden from tall new builds, a seating/firepit area in the sun with plenty of variety in the planting and year round interest.
The garden ran from full shade, near the house to full sun. The raised concrete section at the rear with shed provided space for several raised beds with fruit trees and herbaceous planting, a decking seating/walkway by the shed, aggregate with drainage to soakaways on the lower section. Screening was provided by six mature Chamaecyparis which were craned in from the rear.
Winchmore Hill, London
380 square metres
The garden’s thoughtful design, with new trees providing screening for privacy, a cozy seating area with an in-built bench and fire bowl for relaxation, a diverse range of plants ensuring year-round interest, and an exotic plant area, all come together to craft a vibrant and inviting outdoor space for the retired couple who are passionate gardeners.
What We Did
The seating area with in-build bench and fire bowl was designed to be surrounded by colourful and fragrant planting with grasses giving movement. Next to it an exotics area was created with climbers on the fences, Passiflora caerulea, producing edible fruit, Musa basjoo (hardy banana tree), black stemmed bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) and other exotics to provide strikingly contrasting forms and colours.
The large lawn was re-formed with wider curved beds and planted with a variety of small trees, shrubs and perennials to give interest, colour, fragrance and year round interest. Small benches were fitted within the beds to provide viewing spots. In the lawn a multi stemmed silver birch provided a focal point. In all 440 plants using 87 species were planted to create a lush colour filled garden.